Proof of Life: 4/24
From the journal April 2024:
“If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it’s your duty to be reduced to ashes by it.”
How fiercely I feel this truth, how it resonates within the chambers of my heart, a clarion call that echoes through the silence of doubt. What a weighty declaration, a burden and a blessing, to know that the flame of passion, that insatiable fire, demands nothing less than complete surrender.
To be consumed, to be reduced to ashes—such a terrifying prospect. Yet, what is life without the risk of incineration? To live merely to exist, to tread the mundane paths laid out before us, is to become yet another dull book in the library of life, gathering dust, forgotten and unremarkable. Each day a page turned, a chapter gone, yet what of the plot? What of the characters that breathe, that ache, that yearn for something beyond the ordinary?
I see it clearly now, the choice laid bare before me—a life half-lived, a flicker of candlelight in a storm, or a blaze that consumes every part of me, an inferno of creation and destruction. The ashes, oh, the ashes, they are not an end but a transformation, a rebirth into something new, something raw and powerful. I must embrace the flames, let them scorch the edges of my being, let them strip away the facades, the expectations that cling like cobwebs.
In this act of burning, I find clarity, I find purpose. It is in the fire that I discover what I am made of, the essence that cannot be extinguished. The beauty lies in the vulnerability, in allowing myself to be both the vessel and the flame, to hold the heat of desire and purpose within me, to let it shape me, to let it forge my identity anew.
I will not shy away from the heat, I will not cower in the face of passion. I will step boldly into the blaze, knowing that to be consumed is not to be lost but to be found, to be forged in the crucible of existence. If something burns my soul with purpose and desire, I will embrace it, I will let it take me, let it transform me into something fierce and unyielding.
For to live without such fire is to fade into the background, to become a page unturned, a story untold. I refuse that fate. I choose to ignite, to burn, to rise from the ashes, renewed and resolute, ready to carve my place in the vast library of life, not as a mere book of dull prose, but as proof of the wild, uncontainable spirit that resides within.