The Privilege of Pursuing Passion:1/25
From the journal January 2025:
I’ve been noticing a wave of sentiment lately among “successful” artists, a collective declaration of independence from the shackles of commercialism. They’re saying enough is enough, vowing to create what brings them joy rather than what fills their wallets. I resonate deeply with this sentiment—I, too, believe that art should be a joyful expression of the soul. Yet, as I celebrate this newfound freedom, I can’t help but reflect on the immense privilege that often accompanies such a stance.
When I talk with beginners about the complex matrix of “success” in the art world, I find that many of them are blissfully unaware of the underlying realities. They often equate talent with success, as if the two are inseparable. Talent—what a loaded word! I hesitate to even use it. Yes, there’s truth in the saying that talent is merely pursued interest. However, what I’ve observed in artists who truly flourish is that they possess a level of obsession, an almost fervent dedication to their craft. This relentless pursuit is what enables them to navigate the mental and emotional rollercoaster that comes with creating for a living.
But here’s the part that nobody wants to talk about: the privilege that underpins the narrative of “successful” artists. Many of them have the means to pursue their art obsessively, which includes dedicated studio space, quality supplies that are increasingly expensive, and, most importantly, time. Time is the biggest factor in success, and it requires a level of freedom that most aspiring artists cannot afford. Many of us are tethered to the grind of day jobs, bills, and responsibilities that pull us away from our art. I speak to countless artists who dream of a success they feel is out of reach, and the reason is clear—they don’t share the same privileges as those who seem to have it all figured out. This is the harsh reality of being a working artist. It’s not an even playing field, and we need to stop pretending that it is. Yes, there may be a certain aptitude that some artists possess, but the prolific output we see is often a product of circumstance as much as it is of skill.
Now, I know there will be pushback against this perspective. Some might assume I’m suggesting that talent doesn’t matter. Not at all! Let’s say you’re naturally gifted at drawing. If you rest on your laurels, thinking that talent alone will carry you, you’ll find that over time, that gift can diminish. Meanwhile, someone without your natural eye who dedicates eight hours a day to practice will inevitably surpass you. It’s not the innate ability that ultimately matters; it’s the relentless pursuit of improvement that counts. And that pursuit often requires a level of privilege that others simply may not have.
I’m not criticizing privilege—privilege is a reality for many. But what I am advocating for is honesty. Let’s stop dismissing the role privilege plays in the narrative of “success.” Just because someone is dedicated and focused doesn’t mean they’ve paved their way solely through hard work. It’s essential to acknowledge the behind-the-scenes factors that allow some artists to thrive while others struggle. If we continue to glamorize the idea that great artists are simply “naturally talented,” we undermine the very real effort and skill development that goes into their work.
Art should not be regarded as a frivolous pursuit, a childish dream that responsible adults shy away from. It’s a valid career choice, one that demands dedication, resilience, and an immense amount of hard work. If we want to elevate the perception of artists in society, we must shine a light on the rigorous effort it takes to pursue this path. Let’s celebrate the artists who are not only gifted but who are also willing to grind, to practice, and to evolve. So as we embrace this movement towards authenticity and joy in our art, let’s also commit to being real about the journey. Let’s recognize the privilege that exists, honor the hard work involved, and reshape the narrative around what it means to be a successful artist. Only then can we create a more inclusive and honest community where all artists feel empowered to chase their dreams, regardless of their starting point.